FL500 RNB 2015
Starttidspunkt: lørdag 7. mars 11:00
Siste oppdatering: 11. mars 2015
14. mars 17:15
Status Løype Deltakere Siste sjekkpunkt Resultatliste
64. Catherine Fontaine Cheillé Sluttplassering: 2

Ditt beste hundekjørerminne:
I've a lot of, one of them is the end of the storm last year of the FL1000 ;-) and the bronze medal in 2011 nordic breed at the WCH in Roros.

Sponsorer: Royal Canin, Swisscool Mushing

Langdistanse erfaringer
Løp/ år/ plassering - inklusive alle gangene du har fullført Finnmarksløpet:

Femund 400 2013, 2011, 2009, Femund 600 2010,
FL 1000 2014 scratched in Sirbma.
Amundsenrace 2010, Polardistans 2012, 2010,2009. Gausdal 2011, LGO 2008,

Hvorfor langdistanse / Finnmarksløpet:
To be alone far away from my professional life !

Målsettinger og strategi for årets løp:
do my best with my yearlings

Ledere i spannet/ navn/ alder:
leaders Colette 8, Minnie 4, Caouète 7, Sarna 6, Suzy 6 and some others yearlings like Surge,2, Gloria,2, etc..

Hobbyer: gardening, not enough time for others hobbies

my children, my grand children, my parents and my sister in law, and my beloved husband in my heart
for ever, and my very best friends who help me since my husband passed away.

Lokalaviser: La Nouvelle République

Adresse: Les Vallées, 37190 Cheillé

Land: France

Telefon: +33670797506 / +33670797506


Yrke: manager

Trekkhundklubb: Keremma FFST

Kennel navn: Du Fur Rendez Vous

Ant. hunder: 18